
Didn't you solve your problem?

We have listed the most common problems and solutions here. If you are experiencing a different problem than the ones listed here, you can create a support request.

Create Request

Account Queries

Answers regarding Account. If the question you're looking for is not here, Make a ticket!

What is Gold? How do I get it?

Gold is an item we've used in our website as a currency. 

1 Gold = 1$

I forgot my account password!!

It happens, The only thing you need to do is click to "Forgot Password" & Set the new password!

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Store queries

Not affiliated with Mojang. MystiCraft Network © 2022

What does the Store have?

Our store provides you Ranks & Crate Keys which can also be obtained ingame.

Help! I didn't get my purchase ingame

Calm Down, Join our Discord & Make a ticket! Our staff team will assist you.

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Payment Queries

Answers regarding payment questions. If the question you're looking for is not here, Make a ticket!


All payments are final and non-refundable. Attempting a chargeback or opening a PayPal dispute will result in permanent and irreversible removal from all of our servers, and other minecraft stores.

It could take between 5-20 minutes for your purchase to be credited in-game. If you are still not credited after this time period, please open a support ticket in our Discord with proof of purchase and we will look into your issue.

What Payment Methods does the Store have?

We support PayPal, Debit Card & Credit Cards, We're looking forward to add more payment methods!

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You have a question? We have the answer. Please note that this is not final and will be updated regularly. If your question is not listed here please go ahead and open a support ticket.

Is the server Pay2Win?

No. Our server is not p2w. We do have some ranks & crate keys but you can get everything they have playing normally.

I want to apply for staff

Oh that's great! You can join our Discord or open a ticket to apply for staff!

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